Introducing Born Into This — A Creative Guide Through Reproductive Health
Written from the perspective of birth educators and doulas, Born Into This: A Creative Guide Through Reproductive Health explores everything from hormones to pregnancy to menopause.
As a workbook, this guide examines the injustices and privileges present in reproductive health—and why that plays an important role in reproductive care. This book is an introduction to a lifetime of conversations. :)
*Available in paperback or as digital download
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Puberty. Pregnancy. Birth. Menopause. The reproductive cycles—and its many intersections—explained.
You will learn more about your body and feel brave enough to fight for it.
This book is perfect for teens, educators, parents, medical professionals reproductive advocates and birth workers at any stage of their educational journey. Within its 145 pages, you’ll find:
approachable and comprehensive lessons on the body’s reproductive functions
gender-inclusive and sex-positive frameworks
guided exercises for beginning learners
vibrant, abstract graphics from artist Kelly Colchin
design and illustrations from Cheyenne Varner
Designed by Cheyenne Varner of Everyday Birth and written by Gina Giordano and Tara Brooke (the founders of Born Into This), this guide is easy-to-read and packed with light exercises.
what others have to say about this book:
"The reality is that LGBTQ+ people, and specifically trans people, have been forming families in creative and beautiful ways for as long as we've existed. From the pre-Stonewall chosen families of Marsha P. Johnson to Matt Black (who gave birth to his son 21 years ago), trans people have been building empires of love for millennia. Now our culture is finally catching up, and more and more trans folks are choosing to have biological children. The science is catching up and the birth world is catching up. When it comes to reproductive justice, it is imperative that birthworkers understand how to welcome and support queer parents at every stage of their journey. If you want to make a difference... that's what we're asking you to do."
— Trystan Reese, educator, LGBTQ+ activist and parent
“Is what I am suggesting or offering accessible to all?” This is the question I am constantly asking myself as a birth worker. This work continues to evolve for each individual person and society as a whole. However, the goal should remain the same; care should be accessible for all. With that perspective guiding your work, reproductive healthcare will greatly be improved because reproductive justice is at the forefront.
— Jessica Diggs, doula educator, birth worker
“As young people have an opportunity to learn about their bodies in a more empowering way than what has traditionally been offered, I believe we will begin to see an entire society shift from a system driven by fear, inaccuracy and bias, into one fueled by awareness, compassion, and expanded access to choice.”
— Jenny Bennett, doula educator, birth worker